Saturday, January 28, 2012

Online Gaming

Ever gotten bored playing single player all by yourself? These days it seems like people only buy games for the online game play, I won’t lie; it’s the only reason why I still play. With the release of online gaming, the whole gaming industry was in for a huge change for the better. Before gaming seemed more a locally social thing only, if you didn’t have friends with you, chances are you would have got really bored. This time around, games have become more and more social. With the originators PC implementing it, Sony soon caught on and so did Microsoft, the online gaming heavyweights.

Online gaming was first created in the late 1960’s but then grew and became running over Ethernet in the late 1970’s. It obviously began on the computer, as the first console to really have online gaming was the PS2. Online gaming really became a hit, because people just got bored of playing alone, or if once in a while friends came over, and it is probably the best thing to have happened for the gaming industry. Millions of players log on too Xbox live or Playstation Network and their computers to play tons of different types of online games. Genres that really benefited from online multiplayer are first-person shooters like the famous Call of Duty series, and the creation of MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Game) like World of Warcraft as we all already know!

All types of games really strive with this feature, it seems to be a must have feature for most people to want to buy it now a days. Big online games would be Halo, COD, World of Warcraft and the list goes on and on. Even sport games and all other types of games have really benefited with this, as players can now have their game updated so if a certain player is doing really good in the NBA your NBA 2K12 will automatically update the game and have that players overall attribute higher.

Finally, without online gaming, I really don’t know where the gaming industry would be to date. As of late, these big name developers have been really banking on the online aspect and pretty much relying on it to do what it’s always done, sell! Without online gaming, I don’t believe I’d own any console to be honest!

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