Monday, December 12, 2011


Microsoft’s first console release was the Xbox. This console was a great start to their line of gaming now, but at the time didn’t fare well against the already popular PlayStation consoles which were a hit. Despite that, the big name games and exclusives for this console is really what stood it apart from the competition!

Microsoft released its first console in 2001 to compete against the PlayStation console at the time. Bill Gates knew his pc games weren’t matching up well so here came the DirectX Box which is now known at the Xbox, because the DirectX graphics part of the name wasn’t that great. Which caused them to shorten it too Xbox. The new aspect too this console was that Microsoft was first to ever have a built in hard disk drive. Meaning there was no purpose for memory sticks and others as this did just that but built in. These was really great since the memory cards weren’t really reliable on the PlayStation consoles, and let’s face it, your memory card was pretty much your console, if that’s broken you’d have to restart everything! Having a very reliable storage unit was really the game changer in terms of console differences, which is why this console got some attention.

Microsoft really put some work into it to as they had the best graphic chip sets at the time in this console. It really was just a lot smoother compared to the PlayStation, and fared well against it in that category. The games looked and ran smoothly and really it was an up from the competition.

The last aspect which held this console out from the others was the big title releases from Microsoft, the exclusives in other words. Even if you’re not a gamer, I’m sure you’ve heard of the game “Halo” before, and this is really where it originated. Halo was first released on this console but went on to be one of the best selling hits on consoles to date! Other games include Forza Motorsport and Project Gotham Racing.

Overall, the Xbox was a great console at the time being. It competed well with the PlayStation and did more then hold its own, but the PlayStation was just more popular, which led to better sales. Honestly if they both would of came out around the same time I believe the Xbox would have been on top, as it seems that these days it is with the graphics and exclusives leading the way!,31813,2029221,00.html


  1. Halo must be the BEST Xbox game ever, it prety much put the stepping stones of modern FPS's! I do wish i had an Xbox... but i would waste so much time on it, wouldin't get anything done. The only thing you said if the memory card of the PS broke you had to restart it all. Althought having the hardrive inside makes it much smoother, if that broke you might as well pay for a new console, and thats much more expensive.

  2. I personally like Xbox so much better than PlayStation. i found the controllers were a lot easier to use than those of the play Station. Having the memory card inside is the console is also a lot easier than having it on a stick, because I remember when I had a gamecube, I would always end up losing my memory card and had to restart everything from the beginning.

  3. Yea honestly, I find Halo being one of the best if not the best video game. It really revolutionized the FPS and sci-fi games. You also have a point with having to buy a brand new console if the hard drive fails.

    Batoul I always hated the controllers until I actually got used too it, I was a big playstation 1 fan so it was a pretty big controller going from the regular PS1 contoller.

  4. Halo is what makes Xbox so much more superior than playstation because playstation doesn't offer halo. Halo is one of the best games I've played which is why I like Xbox better.

  5. Yes, I agree with you on the point that Halo did make Xbox very big. I remember when it first came out it was hard to find this in stores. It actually took me 2 months until i got my hand on this game. But I got annoyed after awhile.. well after a year when i discovered call of duty on PS3!
